No matter how many dollars you have in your account, I believe we need to live with sustainability in mind. With a growing population and limited resources(never mind the constraints of your own square footage), one's buying habits need to be monitored. (Don't get me wrong, shopping is fun! And I may have been a shopaholic in the past...) But too much of anything can lead to problems.
For some people, being frugal means to buy the highest quality items and only a few of each of them; and use them until they wear out.
For other folks, it means buying second-hand or from consignment stores; and passing items along once your needs are done.
See what feels right and do works best for you and your family! Me? I love hand-me-downs and garage sales! This is what I grew up with, having a brother just one year older. My mother was seamstresses as one of her first jobs, so she made me dresses and kept our clothes in great shape with mending the recycled clothes.
But frugality goes beyond clothing and should be viewed in a all aspects of purchases.
One big example is owning a car... What is your preference? Lease a new vehicle every three years to avoid any headaches and unforeseen costs? Buy used and drive it until it dies? Or somewhere in between the two options? Whichever path you chose, I encourage you to do your homework!
There is no "right answer" but several ways to calculate what the costs will mean to your family. Don't forget to add in the emotional costs as well as the financial costs to this decision, as sometimes they weigh more.
Let's look at other ways in which to live sustainably with our world...
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Sir David Attenborogh, Photo by Nadav Kander